Another problem is that a large majority of the things taught in school actually is useless. If they would give children a chance to learn what they wanted I can guarantee you there are a few classes that would be cut off entirely due to needlessness. I'm sure one day I will need to know Richard Nixon's Foreign Policy even though I don't want anything to do with politics. Your reasoning amazes me, school system.
A major problem is that they don't treat kids like humans. Their treatment is more akin to animals. If They can't go to the bathroom when they have to, or disagree with something without getting in trouble for "back-talking", I'm afraid I can't call those "rules" anything more than brainwashing. What I hate the most about that is how all teachers have the right to punish everyone for one person's mistake. Are we really supposed to be taught that no matter how well you act, if someone else messes up you're going to be punished along with them anyways? seems to me like that would just encourage rule breaking so that they can make sure they aren't punished unjustly.
They never really teach you anything anyways, all they do is make you memorize. that's all school is. Just a giant game of memorization. The reason for this is because teachers are paid on how well their students take a test. They have to make money to keep living, so they spend as much time as possible making the children memorize the facts they think will be on the test, so they have little time left for actual education. Whoever instituted that "pay for grade" crap is a total moron who contributed to the eventual downfall of the public education system.
Here are some possible solutions that you should really look into if you don't want to be a mindless puppet the rest of your life
- Home Schooling
- This is the most famous option, have your parents teach you instead. if you're worried about not being social, some of the most social people were home schooled. school actually kills your want to be around other people, since it forces you to be around people you don't like and gives you no way out.
- Getting your G.E.D.
- This one gets the most flack for not being worth as much as a diploma, which is utter crap. your G.E.D. looks just as good to a college as a high school diploma, and jobs don't care about high school anyways. they only care about how well you can do something.
- Unschooling
- This is basically home schooling where you are allowed to control the schedule. you can learn whatever subject you want whenever you want. even the lazier people will have nothing better to do than learn eventually if left to their own devices
also of note is this video that LinzerDinzer linked to me on her Twitter Account.
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