A good pun, as contradictory as that may seem to some people, is comprised of three main elements. The major element is wordplay, as without that it would not be a pun. Different kinds of wordplay are acceptable, although generally ones that play on spelling are less humorous than those that play on similar sounds. Visual puns are some of the most entertaining, and have the highest success rate. The second element is cleverness of the pun. that determines how "funny" a pun is, normally. something like this, for example,
see more So Much Pun
is a perfect example on clever wordplay. the average pun maker would not think to use the CAPS term in such a way as to compare it to real caps. The third element is how naturally the pun flows. something like "wasabi doing?"(watcha be doing?) to a person eating fish sounds incredibly forced and lame. avoid these kinds of puns at all costs, they are the ones that earned puns the name as the lowest form of wit. A lot of good punsters can be found on SomuchPun below is an example of a more naturally flowing pun, albeit visual. it's much easier to achieve natural flow in a visual pun than a text/speech pun, remember that.
see more So Much Pun
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